A Message from the Director of the Festival

Welcome to the Edinburgh Iranian Festival 2022!

It’s been two years since our last festival in March 2020. Then, Covid–19 was still a mystery, there was no shortage of hand gel, and while handshakes and hugs had just begun being awkwardly replaced with elbow bumps and footshakes, masks were still not a thing. We have the pictures from the festival’s opening night to prove it!

How much the world has changed since then! The rollercoaster journey of the past two years with its multiple loops of hope and despair has made at least one thing clear – our enduring need to connect, and the vital role that art, music, literature, and film play in order to do so.

And so I am delighted that our festival is back this year, doing its part to stimulate conversation, build bridges, and enable understanding.

There’s something for everyone in our curated line up of film screenings and I hope you’ll find a favourite (or two!) to share and discuss.

On behalf of the trustees of the festival, I would like to thank our volunteers and supporters. A special shout out to Andy Watson and Dr Arash Eshghi for updating our website, Ania Urbanowska and Sarvnaz Geranpayeh for facilitating our social media, and Maryam Zabihifard for creating our poster. And a massive thank you to Professor Nacim Pak-Shiraz for curating a seventh film season for us! And, of course, to the Filmhouse, who share our passion for fabulous films.

Enjoy the screenings and khosh amadid!

Sara Kheradmand